
Five Mental Health Dangers for Teens on the Internet
The internet has become an essential part of modern life, especially for teenagers. While it provides educational resources, social interaction, and entertainment, it also presents

7 Tips for Staying Mentally Healthy in the Current Political Climate
The current political climate may feel divisive, stressful, and exhausting. With constant news updates, social media debates, and differing opinions among family and friends, it’s

Therapy for Eating Disorders
At Lotus Psychology Group, many of our therapy professionals have advanced training and experience working with individuals who are struggling with eating disorders. Depending on

Bullying & Mental Health
Being treated unkindly or cruelly by peers, coworkers, or even loved ones can take a toll. Bullying has a range of adverse effects, and the

Debunking Bipolar Disorder Myths
Bipolar disorder is possibly the most misunderstood condition we work with as therapists. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder,

6 Anger Management Tips
All emotions are healthy, and they all have their place and serve a purpose. When emotions overwhelm our ability to process them in safe and

Frequently Asked Questions About Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that causes a wide range of effects. If you or your child have recently been diagnosed with ADHD,

Emotion Regulation
There is no such thing as a bad emotion. Take a moment and let that sink in. Every emotion we feel is healthy, natural, and

Distress Tolerance – Developing Skills & Increasing EmotionalResilience
Distress or just stress is uncomfortable and exhausting. For many people these feelings become overwhelming. Learning to manage distress with less difficulty alleviates a good

Thought Restructuring– Benefits & What to Expect
At the start of the year, we discussed dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in our blog. Last month, we discussed mindfulness, which is one of the

Mindfulness – What Is It & How Can It Improve My Daily Life?
We recently introduced a form of counseling called dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in our blog. This form of therapy has many components and involves learning

What Are the Love Languages & Do They Really Impact Relationships?
The five love languages are often portrayed in media and discussed in everyday conversations with friends, but do love languages really impact our relationships? With

Everything You Should Know About Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Most people who schedule therapy sessions don’t request a specific approach to counseling, and in many cases, they never even know what approach is being
Advocating for Those with Alzheimer’s & Their Caregivers
Alzheimer’s disease effects approximately 6 million people in the U.S., and with new cases diagnosed each year, it is a fast-growing illness. Alzheimer’s disease leads

Celebrating World Day of Kindness & Transgender Awareness Month
November 13 th is World Kindness Day, November 13 th through the 19th is celebrated as Transgender Awareness Week, and all of November is Transgender

Explore Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – A Versatile CounselingSolution
October is Depression and Mental Health Screening Month. This awareness month is dedicated to providing information about the many benefits of receiving screenings for depression

Emergency Support Resources for Suicide Prevention
When you hear emergency help lines, chances are you think about 911, but the first emergency call number, 999, was actually established by the UK

Should I Consider Brainspotting Therapy Sessions?
Brainspotting is an innovative form of therapy that has proven beneficial in overcoming traumatic experiences, overwhelming emotions, and a wide range of other challenges. While

Very Superstitious? Therapy May Help
Superstitions are often thought of as harmless, and most people laugh them off. Black cats crossing your path probably aren’t bad luck. Knocking on wood

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy 101
June 27 th is PTSD Awareness Day. A time to acknowledge and advocate for people who are living with post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD Awareness Day

Are All My Friends Having Fun Without Me or Is it Just FOMO?
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and one of the many things therapists want to spread the word about during this month of advocacy is

5 Tips for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
Almost everyone has had the feeling they are “Faking it until they make it,” or “Going along to get along.” We’ve all been new at

Barriers to Mental Health Care for People with Disabilities
Cost & Lack of Adequate Insurance Coverage Cost and inadequate insurance coverage are probably the biggest reasons why people miss out on mental health coverage

Why Boundaries Are Important for Healthy Relationships
What Are Boundaries? Boundaries are what separates one thing from another. Borders of states, property lines, and even the edge of whatever screen you’re viewing

Helping Your Child Cope with Divorce or Separation
Separation and divorce aren’t easy for adults, so it’s no surprise that children struggle with this experience. As parents, we go out of our way

Understanding, Accepting & Helping Your Child Explore their Sexual & Gender Identity
We can’t always prepare for the things our children will share with us, but it’s important that we do everything in our power to make

Seasonal Affective Disorder – Everything You Need to Know
Seasonal affective disorder is a relatively common condition, impacting as many as 10 million people each year. While both men and women develop seasonal affective

Perfectionism – What’s so Wrong with Getting it Just Right?
First and foremost, let’s dispel a common misconception. Perfectionism is not the same as being a high achiever. In fact, many perfectionists aren’t considered high

Top Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain
When someone says that emotional or mental discomfort has physical effects, you might be fast to point out things like stress headaches, nervous butterflies, loss

Tips for Talking to Kids About Violence in Schools & Communities
Being exposed to acts of violence is difficult and confronting for adults. Kids may have an even more difficult time understanding and processing the real-life